Funmi Olayinka
I connected to Pastor Toyin through another friend of mine. I was at a point in life where I needed clarity about certain things. The first time we got to talk was transformational. She has a special way of paying attention to not just what you say but your feelings. She connected to me as if we had known a long time and has been a great support personally and in my business.
Apart from these, she is a woman of prayer and her love for God and His people is evident in her practice. Three things set her apart as a great mentor and coach to me her heart for God, her heart to help people and her professionalism. I have gained valuable insights in life, tools and resources since I started working with her.
Pastor Toyin, is a gem who everyone should desire to work with. She has this special way of drawing out the best in you, until you be your best.
I am grateful for you in my life.
Maryland, USA
Coaching with Coach T was lifechanging
She came into my life at a critical moment in my life when I was going through a very turbulent storm. In order to begin the work, I needed to pick myself back up and change my outlook and mindset. That required that I start at ground zero.
The focus on Christian principles and Bible scriptures was instrumental because the foundation needed to be built, which was keeping the focus on God to have the strength and grace, to get through the storm I was facing. Relying on God involved going back to the basics such as scripture reading, having and keeping a structure, shift my thinking positively, discovering myself and what made me happy etc.
Overall, she equipped me with tools and resources that would enable me to stay the course and even beyond that. I am grateful to have had her in my life when I needed someone to get me back on track.
Abimbola Akinrelere
Elkridge, Maryland, USA
I have known Pastor Toyin now for over 4 decades and she never ceases to amaze me. She has worked with me tirelessly and closely in different phases of my life. She has been a Mentor, Coach and Spiritual Leader. Most recently, she coached me through writing my first book. Her attention to detail is impeccable. Three things stand out to me as very important to her in anything she guides or coaches you through – God be glorified; lives be transformed, and you be blessed and empowered to prosper. I call her the “Purpose Coach”. Pastor Toyin is passionate about seeing people fulfill their dreams. Her style is very direct and from a place of compassion and desire to see you fulfil your purpose. If you are willing to work and committed to being successful, Pastor Toyin is the coach for you. She would drill you to bring out the best in you and she does this with a heart full of the Love of God. Pastor Toyin is a woman after God’s own heart, a woman of Integrity who is sold out for the gospel. In my daily work with her I have experienced her commitment to excellence in all that she does. Her primary goal is to see hearts experiencing the love of Jesus Christ and this shows through and through in her coaching and her counselling. She is able to adapt to anyone’s level and her deep insight into the word of God enables her to work with anyone on any situation. She would always point you to the word of God and the God of all possibilities. She is truly gifted by God to ignite the best in you and its not just blowing air, its meaningful transformation and your life will never remain the same.
Olutimein Adesanya
North America
I’ll forever be thankful to my friend who recommended Pastor Toyin. I started my coaching journey at a point where I was at a crossroad regarding both my personal and professional life! I gained and learnt so much within the three (3) months I spent with Pastor Toyin!
Crystal Obiefuna
I am so thankful to God for Pastor Toyin. Signing up for coaching was one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself. It has helped me along my healing journey tremendously. Pastor Toyin is truly gifted and I feel forever blessed to have been equipped with the tools I have learned through coaching. and I feel stronger and healthier.
Ed Nweke
Pennsylvania, USA
Title: Life transformed by an amazing encounter.
When Saul (Apostle Paul) woke up on that faithful morning and decided to go to Damascus, he did not know that he was going to have an encounter, that will radically change his life. I liken my experience with Pastor Toyin’s coaching program to Saul’s encounter on his way to Damascus.
My very good friend recommended the coaching services of Pastor Toyin. I wanted to understand women, so that I can have a very successful marriage.
I incorrectly assumed that Pastor Toyin, will give me a list of things to know about women. I thought it was going to be a straightforward coaching service, Pastor will tell me what I need to know and I will write it down. I was prepared for a cookie-cutter coaching approach.
The coaching engagement started with me. At first I wondered why she decided to start with me, after all I engaged her services to give me a list of things to know about women.
During the coaching sessions that was focused on me, I discovered a whole lot of things about myself (good, bad, and ugly). That is when I realized that she really prays before her coaching sessions.
As a result of the coaching sessions, I have a better understanding of women but my life has also been transformed for the better.
I am a far better people manager at work, my relationship with my friends and family has significantly improved. I am more compassionate with people, and regularly give people the benefit of doubt (this is a miracle). I am very comfortable having crucial conversations, I no longer pretend that all is well when all is not well. I can continue listing all the benefits, but I realize there are people like me, who don’t like to read long testimonies.
Ateh Vicky
My coaching journey with Coach Toyin has been the best decision I made this past 5yrs. I lack words to describe my growth. I am so grateful to God for connecting me to Coach Toyin. There are many coaches out there but Coach Toyin is that person God has put in my life to help stretch me. I now have two companies and counting. The personal and spiritual growth is indescribable.
Thank you Coach Toyin for not giving up on me.
With gratitude
Tessie Ajala
Salado, Texas
My wife and I consulted with Pastor Toyin's coaching practice on a variety of spiritual and matrimonial discussions, that helped us refocus on Christ as the center of our marriage and our family. In the process of discussion, we rediscovered marriage as a mystery and as a lot of work; it can only be successful with longevity and peace when we die to self, unite with our spouse, and block external influences ready to penetrate and fracture God’s matrimonial union.
Pastor Toyin’s marriage coaching practice is God centered, built on truth, and without fear and bias – you must be prepared to die to self in the process; see how God can work wonders in your marriage when you surrender to Him. We benefitted from this truth when we worked with Pastor Toyin.
G Ade
We started working with Pastor Toyin over 2 years ago. First thing that struck me was that she was genuinely interested in the success of our marriage.She did not treat us like clients.She treated us like a third parter in our marriage.One who was neutral and was rooting for our success from day 1.Every success story shared was a reason to celebrate.
Our marriage was in shambles and we were ready to pack our bags.Today,it's not the same story.We have since grown to love, respect and understand each other better.She helped us understand each other better and see each other in ways we never saw each other before.
Apart from that, she was very professional during all our sessions,she was also kind,empathetic and patient and will not hesitate to communicate the truth.
She has been a great source of all the love,laughter and peace in my home through the Holy Spirit.
She was also responsible in re-uniting myself and my siblings.We had gotten to a point where we were all hurting from wounds of several years and the family was breaking up.In a very emotional and spirit filled session,she helped us resolve issues that tore the family apart.She was able to help resolve all our issues and today,we are standing stronger than ever in love and unity like never before.
I am really grateful that our paths crossed and will not fail to recommend her to anyone who is looking for a success story in her/his marriage.
Thank you for all that you have done for us.
Kristine Nwosu
I literally had no desire for a Life Coach because I did not know what a coach was; I thought I was beyond help.... BUT GOD.
At the time, my husband had just gone to jail for domestic abuse and I was beyond confused, being pulled in multiple directions by my community, our friends, and his family. Though I was a graduate working at a Fortune 500 company, I had no money and no savings due to some financial, emotional and mental abuse. A physical incident occurred and officers arrested him some days later. They gave me 30 min to pack my belongings and take my children. If I didn't listen, they threatened to take the kids into foster care. He divorced me not long after being released and It felt as if I was going to implode.
At 27 years old, I had really never made a decision on my own. The time I would have been on my own after college, I married immediately. 3 years later my life exploded. I could not imagine a life without my husband because I did not know my worth nor did I fully comprehend my identity in Christ. Pastor Toyin gracefully showed me The Truth, using the Bible as our compass and pointed me due North, towards The Father again.
Like a surgeon uses steel, she used the Sword of the Holy Spirit to cut away the bitterness, the heartbreak, the exhaustion and the anger that was tied to my soul and choking my heart. What I am left with is my Faith and Love in Christ Jesus. She would break down relevant Scriptures, assign homework, personalize Bible-based declarations, build up my support system, consult with my loved ones about my progress, and any thing else the Spirit led her to do as it related to my physical, emotional and spiritual well being. She encouraged me and celebrated my milestone victories, but also rebuked my stubbornness and challenged me in the areas I needed to grow. Ladies and Gentlemen this is not a counselor, this is life coach and it is tough to chip away at the boulders that have been blocking your destiny for years, but thank God that THE GOD WE SERVE MOVES MOUNTAINS; SO WHAT IS A BOULDER?
I can honestly say that my coaching relationship with Pastor Toyin was absolutely instrumental to me not giving up on life, as a young woman, going through all that trauma; I am finally dreaming again, BOULDER FREE!
I know who I am, and my worth does not lie in man, but in Jesus alone. Happiness comes from worldly pleasures and treasures but REAL JOY is something you can only obtain from God. REAL JOY is a feeling that is constant rain or shine. Thank God that He used my coach, Pastor Toyin John to intervene in my life.
Thank you Pastor for everything and may God bless you without ceasing!
K Ade
Montreal, Canada
My wife and I began working with Pastor Toyin, more than 2 years ago as our Marriage Coach. Her sessions are God centred and pragmatic. She is very focused on the unity of the couple and always has a saying that I hold dear 'I am here for both of you'. This is demonstrated in how she holds each party accountable for their actions to build a successful marriage. The results have been amazing as we have been able to work through the challenges and remain committed to our union. She outperforms on the mandate she is given every time and makes sure that the couple get more value that they have contracted for. I love the structure and form of her sessions where she sends reflection questions ahead and concludes with specific actions to close the meeting. Knowing her and working with on Marriage Coaching in the last few years has been a blessing. I cannot thank her enough for the work she has done to help my marriage be better.
Dr. Judy Thorpe
Columbia, Maryland, USA
I came to Pastor Toyin by divine instruction, after the Lord nudged me a second time I knew I must obey. This was truly ordained! I came to Pastor Toyin, broken from a divorce, running a business that was at the verge of collapse and children that were facing their own challenges including suicide! The first thing I will say is Pastor Toyin is non compromising when it comes to the word of God. We struggled in the beginning because of issues I was dealing with and several sessions later I started to listen. I have been with Pastor Toyin for about two years. In that time, my business went from collapsing to thriving, I have gone from two clinics and managed to open my third clinic. I have staff that we prayed for and the Lord answered. I have moved from a negative, scarcity minded person to one that thinks in the abundance of the riches of God. My life is peaceful and I am satisfied with the goodness of God. I am not sure this page can truly handle all my testimonies to the glory of God! Not only for myself, but also for my children and business. This only was by the hand of God! To be led to a professional Coach that starts everything in prayer and finishes in prayer! Living and walking as God ordains! I am eternally grateful! God bless you more than you can ever imagine Pastor T! I love you!

Kitzie Whitton
Henderson, NV, USA
I believe in divine appointments! Toyin John had just moved to Las Vegas and we met at a meeting for a mutual business. I was drawn to her big smile and glowing spirit that illuminated from her. This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship! 1 year later both our lives changed. I was seeking Truth and hired Toyin for business and spiritual coaching.
The reason I chose her is because she lives the truths she teaches. We have a similar personality and I need someone that God appointed to mentor and coach me so I could hear what needed to be learned. She is full of love and is an effective communicator. She is powerful and empowers you to see your gifts and use them. Because of our relationship, I have grown tremendously in my spiritual walk and in my business. She worked with me weekly and am forever grateful.
Toyin is also a dynamic Speaker! She captivates her audience and moves them to see the Truth and the desire for changes you might be seeking. I recommend all her services!
Dallas, Texas, USA
I needed to harness my leadership potential but I never knew where to begin. Fortunately, I was referred to Toyin John an expert in the field of Leadership, mentoring, Life coach.
She provided detailed instructions on what will be needed to harness my leadership potential and walked me through the process step by step and kept me informed throughout the whole process
Her mentorship is absolutely incredible. She strived to ensure I attain such height. I have improved immensely since I started with her. my Leadership potential is now finding expression. Thank you for inspiring me to the next phase of my Life.
Catherine Odubanjo
Clarksville, Maryland, USA.
One only has to spend a few moments with Pastor Toyin, to know how passionate she is for Christ and the things of the Kingdom. Her love for God is palpable and her desire to "see the Kingdom come," into every life she touches is unmistakable. She is totally transparent and so very authentic!
The leadership class was mind blowing! I was inspired, challenged, and gently encouraged to come out of my comfort zone. Pastor Toyin, in her characteristic way, not only taught powerfully from John Maxwell's book on leadership, but she shared some personal examples, making the topics much more relatable. I know now, what my purpose is and I feel empowered to go out there to do what God has called me to do and to be all that he has created me to be. I am no longer content to be a spectator; somebody's destiny may be dependent on whether or not I act on what I now know. Thank you for stirring "the giant" within me. According to the power at work within me, I step out in faith, for nothing shall be impossible for me! Pastor Toyin, thank you, and may the LORD reward you, openly!
Elizabeth Awosanya
Mcdonough, Georgia, USA
I really appreciate Pastor Toyin for imparting my life in so many ways. I was able to discover my God given purpose during the course of my leadership training class, that has,been my ultimate question and goal for so many years. It came to me expressly, the vision is so clear to me. If anyone is out there who is yet to discover his/ her purpose in life, I encourage you tap into the grace upon Pastor Toyin John.
Lily OS
Paris, France
Challenging and so uplifting. Coach Toyin in 6 weeks with you, the add in my life is "sans commune mesure" as we say in french. Living between Paris where I have an apartment and the little town near the French riviera where I am called. The song I was singing then was "should I stay or should I go"! I was facing challenges from every side : trying to sell my apartment, taking my business in the South where I know nobody, facing mysterious health problems. I was really tired and about to jump into my comfort zone, when i started my journey with this incredible coach. Full of life and positivity, at the end of the journey, I am back to my passion and to the real me, that I have lost somewhere between Paris and the south... My song is so different now "Nothing is impossible, my Big Mo is ahead! Not turning back". Thank you so much, Coach Toyin. "Affectueusement"
Doofan Washima-Mohammed
Lagos, Nigeria
I was introduced to Coach Toyin by my closest friend and sister. I was immediately blown away with the passion with which she does everything. She teaches and instructs with such clarity and conciseness. I am so taken with everything she does but one thing that will always remain with me is her unrelenting, can-do spirit and her positive outlook on all things. She is also a very disciplined and consistent person and I admire that a lot . She has personally touched my heart and life with the way she treats everyone with such grace and love.
Eniola Adeduro
Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria
Pastor Toyin is a selfless coach who sincerely gives her best to help others get better.
An amazing coach that will not leave you the way she meets you but make sure she adds value to you and make you a better being.
Her energy and passion amazes me,
Pastor Toyin sees humanity above financial gain when dealing with people.
She never will know what her sacrifice of grooming us into a great leader has done to me, I'll never remain the same again
She's gentle yet firm,
Thank you pastor Toyin for adding value to my life, since I started this journey with you I've been able to see the world differently, I've learnt more on how to add value to others and that has helped me a lot.
Knowing you is one of the best deals I've ever made.
May God's annoiting on your life never run dry.
Pamela House
Las Vegas, NV USA
I met with Toyin for what I thought would simply be lunch and had no idea that I was about to confront one of my biggest fears at that time in my life. I had only been formally introduced to Toyin once before this meeting but as soon as I entered into her space I felt an overwhelming need to be completely transparent with her. Upon sharing with her some very personal things I was going through she immediately guided me through to face what I was really fearing "what people will think?" and reminded me that the only thing that mattered was what Christ thinks! During this heart to heart I was able to over come this fear and after she prayed with me I felt so much better. God answered my prayers and sent me someone who wouldn't be afraid to tell me the TRUTH! Thank you Toyin for being such an amazing prayer partner and spritual mentor, love you!!!
Brittany Amaya
Las Vegas, NV
I first heard Toyin speak at her Power Up event in Las Vegas and it was life changing! Just hearing and experiencing how God is moving in her life and what her story is was incredible. Her,passion, power, purpose and determination and how she is bringing people to Christ is very inspiring. I was actually invited to pray with her before the event even started and just being in a small group prayer with her made me feel like I was in the presence of a rockstar and truthfully I was because I could feel that God was there with us!
I can't explain the feeling I had leaving the event because it was one that I had never experienced before, but since the event I have been much more persistent on my journey to being a better sister in Christ. If you have never heard Toyin speak you need to! You will definitely be moved by her.
Brittany Amaya
Las Vegas
Power Up held in Las Vegas
Catherine Goings
Fullerton, CA
Toyin spoke with the teens and pre-teens who are participating in our youth programs for the Orange County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Toyin was fabulous! Her message of positive affirmations, understanding that we are all children of God and that we are destined for greatness, really spoke to all that were in attendance.
Toyin’s delivery of her message was perfect for the audience. I loved the energy and passion that she brought to her presentation. I am already looking into having her to speak with another youth group.
Toyin, thank you so much. Please feel free to have people to contact me for further information. You are awesome!
Rachel Cinco, President AAUW UCI Chapter
Irvine, CA, USA
Ms.Toyin John is an absolutely inspirational and amazing leadership and communications coach. Toyin gave a seminar to our ladies in the American Association of University Women UC Irvine chapter event. This event was geared towards encouraging women to be assertive in professional communication. The 40 other ladies and I in the room learned so much and were incredibly motivated by her words. Her speech was focused on being confident and learning to value and assert what you can professionally bring to the table. She inspired every single one of the ladies in the audience. Moreover, she coached us through several situational exercises that helped us implement and practice what we learned during her speech.
Toyin is an incredibly wonderful leadership and communications coach that is very knowledgable and most importantly full of heart. She is incredibly talented in what she does because she believes in and is passionate about what she does and this really comes through in her training sessions. The American Association of University Women at UC Irvine can't thank her enough for the invaluable knowledge that she has shared with our ladies.