Stay On Your Guard!

22:23:15 02.16.2016 Posted by Toyin John at 22:23:15 02.16.2016
Most of us have heard this statement before; "You were made for a purpose". While this is a true saying, it is important to know that, fulfilling that purpose does not happen automatically. If you are dealing or have dealt with anything negative in nature, it has the potential of derailing you from the purpose of God for your life if care is not taken. You must master it so that, it does not master you.

In our humanity lies all kinds of weaknesses, history has shown how many of these weaknesses have brought many people down from glory to disgrace. Why? They did not have their issues under the right control. A lot of people underestimate their weaknesses  and overlook them until they are caught in a web of destruction. Many try to overcome or subdue their own in their human strength.

Something as common as anger can rob one of destiny. Somewhere in my book, "The Place of Power In You", I described how I had to confront anger in my own life and deal with it by  the Word of God and the power of His Holy Spirit. It became clear to me that, it could rob me of the fullness of life God has for me. I got to work by seeking God's face in prayer, declaring scriptures that talk about anger to do a work of deliverance in me. Do I still get tempted to be angry? Yes I do. Infact, almost everyday, there is always an opportunity to lash out in anger. But the good news is, since I became aware of it and began to work on it, it no longer has a hold on me. I stay on guard all the time. When I miss it, I am quick to repent and get back on track. Moses was a great man in the Bible yet he was not able to reach the Promised Land because of his anger issues, God did great and mighty things through him but he did not enter into the Promised Land. I want everything God has for me in this life, I want to get to my Promised Land, that is why, I must stay alert where this issue is concerned.

My prayer for you as a reader of this newsletter is that, you will be stirred to look inward and examine yourself, confront the issues that must be confronted. If you have struggled with things in the past, do not let your guards down no matter what. If you do, all it takes the enemy is, one or two temptations and before you know it, you find yourself in the situation you once dealt with. If you are currently dealing with any issue right now, please open up, humble yourself and get help fast. There is an enemy out there, his name is satan, he hates you and I and all he wants to do is kill, steal and destroy. The quicker we realize this, the better, because it causes us to be aware and to fight. It is not just about the issue you are dealing with, it is bigger than that, it is the purpose of God for your life the enemy is after. He is just using the weakness in your life as a tool to get to your purpose. What is that weakness? Is it Lust, Greed, Anger, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Drugs, Alcoholism, Pornography, Complacency, Pride, Hatred, Self Righteousness, Hot temper, Judgmental attitude towards others, Sexual Immorality, lack of Godly fear, Prejudice, Fear, Unfaithfulness, Unhealthy control over others etc? The list goes on and on, you know yourself best, be sincere with you.

How do you deal with these thngs? These are my own suggestions and they are not exhaustive.

1. Total surrender to God, He made you, He knows how to help you best. (John 3:3; John 3:16)
2. Live a life that is pleasing to God. Are you living for yourself or for God? Let the word of God be your mirror. (Romans 12:1-2)
3. Surround yourself with people who fear God and who will build you up, be accountable to them. 1(John 1:7 Proverbs 27:17)
4. Be on your guard at all times, give the devil no room at all, arm yourself with God's word.  (Ephesians 6:10-18)
5. If you fall off, repent, get back up quickly and keep moving. (1John 1:8-10)

Richest Blessings,


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